there's not a whole lot going on

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A beautiful beginning

20 some odd years ago, a little girl child came into this world and nine months later she was born. As so many couples do, her parents took a photo of their newborn babe as she became familiar with the new world expanding before her. It turns out someone forgot to wipe her face off and to tell her to smile, because the photo showed a stream of slime from her mouth to her clinched fist and a not particularly excited expression on her face. And that pretty much sums up the next 20 some odd years.

In a different 20 some odd years ago, a little man child came into this world and nine months later he was born. As so many couples do, his parents took a photo of their newborn babe as he became familiar with the new world expanding around him. Unfortunately, that photo hasn't been shared with the author of this blog, but another picture was. It turns out he was an equally unattractive child with a very large head. And that pretty much sums up the next 20 some odd years.

As chance would have it, those two little people childs grew up, got married, and one of them started this blog for writing practice. Too bad for you she can't paint beautiful, sweeping images inside the pink part of your grey matter like that one person can, or make profound observations about human affairs like Tolstoy, or create new worlds of vast proportions like Tolkien, or even find some other author whose last name starts with Tol to fail to live up to. Luckily for you, though, she can use a blog. Unlike those other schmucks.

So sit back, grab a beer, take a bath if you need one, and enjoy.

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